Cleaning up after a huge party or tackling your spring cleaning chores can never be a one-person job. With numerous difficult and time-consuming tasks to do, you will never be able to give your home the thorough cleaning it deserves if you try to do them all on your own.

Home Cleaning Service

Getting help from a provider of cleaning services will allow you to have a clean home without all the hard work and stress. Whatever your reason is for wanting or needing your home to be spotless, you can rely on part-time cleaners to tidy up your home from top to bottom, inside out.

Although you won’t have to lift a single finger to have a clean home when you hire a part-time cleaning company, there are some things you can do to get more out of your cleaning service. The good news is that these preparations aren’t too difficult yet these tasks will help you get the results you are looking for.

Things to Do Before Your Cleaner Arrives

To get more from your home cleaning service provider, do these steps before they arrive:

1. Create a list of chores you want your cleaners to prioritize

Your hired cleaners know what to do once they enter your home. However, if you want them to do something first, such as polish your lighting fixtures or silverware, you can tell the cleaners to do this once they arrive.

To be sure you won’t forget to have the cleaner do the important things, make a list before they arrive. You can give this list to the cleaner. You can write additional instructions on each item or explain each one so that you will be satisfied with their output.

2. Know the limitations of the cleaning service

If you hire professional cleaners for a basic cleaning service, know that they won’t do certain things. These include cleaning the inside of your fridge, doing the laundry, and cleaning the litter box of your pet.

You can negotiate or request these additional jobs if you really need your hired help to do them. However, make sure you request this a day or two before the cleaners next visit your home. Your service provider will need to include these additional chores in the agreement and their fees. They will need to inform the cleaners assigned to your home as well.

3. De-clutter a bit

Organizing your home a bit before the cleaners arrive may seem useless since your hired help will do this. However, if your house is too messy, the cleaners will end up using a lot of their time picking things up from the floor and putting them where they belong. In case your sink is full of dirty dishes, the cleaners will also put in a lot of time washing and organizing them.

When they spend a lot of time doing these things, they won’t be able to focus on cleaning your home.

As such, before your cleaners arrive, put the children’s toys and dirty clothes in their respective baskets. Take a few minutes to wash the dishes or to put them in the dishwasher. By doing so, you will ensure your hired help will have enough time to get to the tasks you really hate such as dusting and cleaning the bathroom.

4. Identify the objects and areas off-limits to the cleaners

There are certain things that your cleaners shouldn’t clean or touch. These can include an antique vase, expensive chandelier or delicate porcelain tea set.

To avoid any accidents, make sure you make a list of the items that they shouldn’t touch. Give the cleaners this list with the clear instructions that they do not clean these objects.

If you have a dog that becomes aggressive when there are strangers in your home and you will place him in a bedroom, warn the cleaners not to open this room as well. The last thing you want to happen is for your pup to bite one of the cleaners.

5. Discuss with the service provider your special requests

In case you have plenty of cleaning supplies and you prefer them because they are eco-friendly and non-toxic, bring them out and instruct the cleaners to use them. You can give them special instructions on how to use them if you have already been using these products for a long time already.

If you have certain cleaning brands and products in mind but you don’t have them, ask the service provider if they can provide these. It is highly likely they will grant your request even if they are using other products.

When you take the time to do all the things listed above before the cleaners arrive, you will help them produce the results you are expecting. And this will allow you to get more from your investment in this service.


Mohamed Samad is the Founder & CEO of Matic Services. He started the company in 2016 after a series of small start-ups within the home services sector. Prior to that, Mohamed was Vice President at Greenstone Equity Partners, where he spent 24 months building the UAE business from 2011-2013 with its founder.

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